St. Georges Conclave. Chorley
This was a particularly sad day for me. It being my last visit to a Conclave, as Divisional Eusebius. I have had a thoroughly enjoyable year in Office. It has been an honour and a pleasure to meet you all and to serve you and the Order, as best as I could.
Iain Brown, Divisional Eusebius
St. Georges Conclave, like most Conclaves, need new members, so that the beautiful ceremonies of our Order, can be performed at their best and enjoyed by all present. They have made a start in that direction, by identifying 2 Chapter Masons, who are interested in joining Red Cross of Constantine. I hope they are successful in their recruitment drive.
The Most Puissant Sovereign, P. Kt. Ivan Haslam, was remaining in Office, due to the Eminent Viceroy having taken ill a few weeks ago. This caused Ivan to stop learning the Enthronement ceremony and commence learning the Consecration ceremony, which he did in three weeks. Well done Ivan, word perfect.
The festive board, was lively and full of fun. What I have learned in my year in office, is a common link with all the Conclaves, a genuine love of the Order and enjoying it and each other’s company to the full.  God Bless you all.
In Faith, Unity & Zeal
Iain Brown
Divisional Eusebius